When it comes to travel advice, mothers know best. After countless trips, near misses, and misadventures, moms have a wealth of experience that’s invaluable when planning your next getaway. In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of taking mom’s travel advice and some of the most common (and useful) tips she has to offer.
Why Take Mom’s Advice?
Mom knows best – especially when it comes to travel. Whether you’re flying halfway around the world or driving a few hours away, motherly wisdom can be an invaluable resource on any trip. She often has the experience and insight to help you plan a smooth, enjoyable journey that minimizes stress and maximizes fun. Plus, you will look back on her travel advice with a smile and fond memories.
18 Travel Bloggers Share Mom’s Words of Wisdom
There’s no denying that our moms have a wealth of knowledge and plenty of travel advice to bestow upon us. As travel bloggers, we’re constantly learning and discovering new places, but we also know the importance of taking time to reflect. In honor of Mother’s Day, we reached out to some fellow travel bloggers to share the best words of wisdom they’ve received from their moms. From “always pack a sweater” to “never forget to enjoy the moment,” these insights remind us of the love and guidance that our moms provide, even when we’re far from home. As we wander the world, we’re grateful for the lessons learned from the most important women in our lives.

18 Travel Bloggers Share Mom’s Travel Advice
“See all of the world that you can. Nothing will grow you as a person more than the people you meet, the food you eat, and the sights that you see during your trips You can always come home, but you can’t always travel the world. Go while you can.”
Diana Bourgeois, Travel Bruises 😍 Instagram | Facebook | YouTube

“Life’s too short not to see as much of the world as we can. It’s the unique experiences we have that help us to be better global citizens.”
Brodi Cole, Our Offbeat Life 😍 Instagram | Facebook

When visiting busy attractions in big cities where scams are common (such as Paris, Rome, etc.) always “be loud and firm and don’t worry about being rude.” Typically I’m very polite and accommodating, but reminding myself of this travel advice has helped me scare away scammers, stay safe when traveling alone, and avoid the bracelet scam multiple times.
Chanelle Emily Rosenbaum, Chasing Chanelle

I’ve told my oldest daughter, who’s 10 -“Take ALL the pictures you can – there’s no such thing as too many. Afterward, don’t forget to save and back them up properly.” As a mother and a travel blogger, I really realize the value of a photo and how important they are for bringing back memories and reliving experiences. Photos are moments that we can revisit for years to come.
Kristin Matthews, Tiny Footsteps Travel 😍 Instagram | Facebook

We did a lot of camping when I was younger because my parents didn’t have a lot of money at the time. As a kid, I’d compare the trips we took vs the trips my friends took. My mother would say to me: “Travel doesn’t have to be far and exotic; you can travel somewhere not far from home and make memories that will last a lifetime.”
Meeshka Bernabe Brand, Sand and Elevation

“My mom always told me not to wait for anyone else, if I wanted to do something I shouldn’t let the fear of doing it alone stop me from living my dreams!”
Claire Fleming, Everywhere with Claire

I have a little boy who speaks several languages but only gets to practice his French when we travel. He was embarrassed by his accent the last time we were in Canada and I told him “An accent is never a problem: not being able to speak or to be understood is the biggest problem. An accent shows that you have the courage to try and put yourself out there. It also shows that you’re smart because you speak more than one language.”
Nancy Michelle Cote, Ericeira Family Adventures

My mother’s best advice is to “always bring twice as much money as you think you need. There’s always more to do and experience with more funds. And you can always bring home the extra. (If there is any!😁).”
Kristin Grady, Imperfect Adventure 😍 Instagram | Facebook

When I was little, my mom made taught me to see at least one new place I had never been to before every year. She always pointed out people who were different and praised the unique ways that people showed their different personalities and culture. It taught me to love new places, people, and cultures, and to experience them for what they are without judgment or fear.
Courtney Jo Newton, Disorderly Drifters

My hardest challenge this year is fitting in on road trips with my mom and catching up on all the postponed COVID trips with my husband. We have had the best adventures from a little pink motel in MS when I was nine, to talking on a CB radio with truckers as a kid, to discovering national parks like Yellowstone and Denali, to cruising the Bahamas and Caribbean. My Mom taught me to love adventure, enjoy meeting new people, and appreciate all the beautiful sights.
Melodie W Rush, Travel Must Dos

I’m a mama (and therapist) who found my way out of PPA & PPD through traveling and hiking with my daughter. I always tell other moms: The best thing you can do is integrate your baby into the life you love. You don’t have to stop traveling because you have kids. You just need to figure out how to make it work! Start small, set your expectations low for a while, and remember how capable you are!
Lindsey Konchar, Coping With Lindsey

My mother always tells me, “Do not deprive yourself of comfort just save a few bucks”. She said that it’s okay to splurge a little bit on things that can make my experience better when traveling. Like when I’m visiting a new city, I shouldn’t skimp on good food or exciting activities that would make my trip memorable. She always reminded me that it’s important to invest in myself but find a balance between comfort and saving.
Gyle Hype, Postcards from MG 😍 Instagram

Remember that nothing is permanent and if I’m having the best time to really appreciate those moments and when I’m homesick or struggling that those feelings will also pass. She’s a wise one my mum 🙂 And for some more practical advice, she has suggested I should always carry a small sewing kit just in case. I didn’t want to carry one around but I have now used it multiple times and it is actually really handy…go figure.
Callie, Counting Our Footsteps 😍 Instagram

As a mom of twin Black boys growing up in the US, I remind them that travel allows them to experience the world and see that being Black is more than what America tells them they are. And whenever they may have doubt about who they are, remember all the wonderful things they’ve learned about Black people, not only here in the US, but across the globe.
Marquita Mays Wright, Marquitas Travels 😍 Instagram

When I decided to plan my first solo trip – really have never been to any places outside of my comfort zone – my mom is the one who urged me to go. And the greatest piece of advice she gave me then that has stayed with me ever since is not only to take the leap and book the trip but to be open to all that the experience has to offer. To meet new people. To try new foods. To learn about different customs, cultures, and traditions. To get off the beaten path. To follow my heart. To be present and to feel the preciousness of the moment. Her advice changed my entire approach to travel and my perspective of the value that comes from it, and it’s because of her that I’ve gone on to see the world and discover a strong and adventurous part of myself that I didn’t know existed at the time.
Allie Albanese, Parched Around the World 😍 Instagram | Facebook

“BYOB” 🥰 bring your own blanket. My mom has always supported my love of travel. Like her, I was born cold-natured and preferred to be warm. One year, while I was living in South America and traveling back and forth to the US, she gave me a lightweight travel blanket that rolls up into a small bag. This dark blue blanket has comforted me on the coldest buses, been a makeshift pillow on plane rides, and provided extra warmth while sleeping in a hammock under the stars. It’s also doubled as a picnic blanket, beach towel, shoulder wrap, and sarong-like skirt among other uses. This blanket is one of the greatest gifts of support and love ever from my mom. Years later, I still use it when I travel and I always think of my mom who told me, “Go where your heart leads you.”
Kate Dana, The Confident Coconut

My mum’s advice was to be bold and try new things – even if they scare you. Don’t settle for a vanilla life when you can have so much more – it’s how you grow and what makes you special and interesting. This is what I’ve taught my own son since he was a small boy.🙂
Coralie Thornton, Grey Globetrotters

My mom instilled in me a love for travel. When my sisters and I hit middle/high school, she started planning family trips around the US. She wanted us to see the beauty of the US, especially with national parks. If an opportunity to travel abroad with our school became available, she sent us. At 17, I went to France and fell in love with traveling. I realized the world was much larger than my view in the suburbs of Atlanta. She helped not only instill a passion for traveling but also to develop a worldly perspective. Now, I have three kids and hope to give my children the same gift she gave my sisters and me. We enjoy traveling together as an extended family.
Rebecca, Fab 5 Family Travel

Travel Advice from Moms
Traveling with family or alone can be a wonderful experience. From packing the right supplies to getting everyone to a destination safe and sound, moms know what it takes. Taking travel advice from trustworthy and experienced moms can save you time and energy. Most of us struggled to leave the welcome safety of our moms to go travel the world, but our confidence and strength does not fade. With their no-nonsense practicality, helpful suggestions, and honest advice, you’ll be sure that you’ve done all that you can to make your trip as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.
Now that you have heard the travel advice of moms who inspire their children to wander and see the world, we’d love to hear what other tips moms have to offer! Please share any stories or advice as a Mother’s Day tribute to moms and an invaluable resource for travelers everywhere!

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